Tuesday 3 May 2022

The ability of SuperFifty Prime to prevent crop drought stress was highlighted in a special issue of International Journal of Molecular Sciences, published two weeks ago in an editorial entitled, "Plant Systems Biology in 2022 and Beyond" (Gechev et al., 2022). The publication highlights how drought represses growth in crops at the molecular level and how SuperFifty Prime prevents both drought stress damage and growth inhibition.
The article refers to major new findings by Rasul et al. (2021), which implicated abscisic acid (ABA) signalling and the SnRK2 pathway in the mechanisms of SuperFifty Prime induced drought mitigation. Collectively, the data showed that SuperFifty Prime can be used as an effective ecologically friendly molecular priming technology to protect plants from drought stress.
Rasul et al. (2021) demonstrated that SuperFifty Prime, produced from the brown alga, Ascophyllum nodosum, protects crops from drought by activating natural pathways and systems within the plant. The authors showed that crops pre-treated with the A. nodosum extract SuperFifty Prime accumulates less reactive oxygen species (ROS) and exhibits less damage than untreated plants exposed directly to drought. Moreover, SF-treated plants did not manifest growth inhibition characteristics, which were otherwise observed in untreated-control plants subjected to drought stress. Comprehensive transcriptome analysis by RNA-sequencing revealed induction of many ROS marker genes in the untreated plants, consistent with the observed oxidative stress, whereas no such induction was detected in the SuperFifty Prime treated group.
Gechev T, and Veselin P. Plant Systems Biology in 2022 and Beyond. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, no. 8 (2022): 4159. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/8/4159/htm
Rasul F, Gupta S, Olas JJ., Gechev T, Sujeeth N and Mueller-Roeber B, 2021. Priming with a Seaweed Extract Strongly Improves Drought Tolerance in Arabidopsis. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(3), p.1469. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/22/3/1469